The Tao of Noner

A Path to the Pathless

Location: New England, United States

I'm a teacher who is blessed with some great colleagues. Despite what they may think, I honestly enjoy seeking out new and exciting things in a desperate attempt to avoid any and all responsibility.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Martial Arts

When I mention to people my involvement and passion for the martial arts, it inevitably draws such questions as, "Why study that?" or "How is violent behavior a good thing?". I can see why someone who has never studied a combative art would ask such a thing. After all, what can one gain from learning how to hurt and/or kill another person? What kind of sadistic pleasure does a martial artist get from punching and kicking people? Such questions, although valid and important, are also too narrow and short-sighted in nature to allow for a fair response. Truth is always encompassed within a spectrum. Those who choose to focus on one point or range constantly miss what lies beyond. One must open their mind and accept the fact that any answer is not one-dimensional. Then, one may begin to see that the martial arts are so much more than what they seem.

To understand the martial arts, one must trace it's history and development. It is well known that an Indian monk named Bodhidharma traveled to the Shaolin Temple in the Hunan province of China in an effort to spread the teachings of the Buddha. There he found monks who were in poor physical condition. Many monks, in fact, would fall asleep during meditation. To solve this problem, Bodhidharma showed the monks eighteen exercises based on the movements of animals. This became known as "The Eighteen Movements of the Lohan (priest)". From these basic movements, Shaolin Kung Fu was born. Over the following centuries, many Shaolin Monks would travel to distant lands and teach their martial art to other cultures. From these voyages developed the many diverse martial art styles of the world. History tells us that Shaolin Kung Fu was first developed as an exercise. Later, the need to defend one's life brought about a change and the monks modified their exercises for combative purposes. The deeds of the Shaolin are so legendary that one would be hard pressed to find any trace of animosity or aggressiveness in the monks' use of their Kung Fu. Why? Because the monks had a code which they lived by and such a code forbid them to use their art for reckless harm or selfish gain. Hundreds of years later, martial arts schools across the globe still teach a code of ethics when it comes to the use of one's martial skills.

Martial arts is indeed embedded within a spectrum. On one side, it can offer exercise in the form of resistance training and cardiovascular development. In some styles, there is no (painful) contact whatsoever amongst its practitioners. Examples of these arts may be Tae-Bo, cardio-kickboxing, and Tai-Chi Ch'uan. On the other side, martial arts can also offer purely combatitive methods. Learning to hurt and kill may be the goal of some of the techniques of these arts. Full-contact practice is encouraged and pain is considered part of the learning process. Examples of these arts may be Kali, Arnis, Escrima, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, and Pentjak Silat. However brutal and efficient these arts may be, modern practice does not stress the taking of life nor the unnecessary hurting of other people. But, if one wants to learn the reality of fighting, then contact and hitting your training partner(s) is necessary. As for killing methods, most martial art systems just don't teach one how to execute these techniques. If one is shown such a thing, it is only after years of dedicated practice and with the understanding that such techniques must be used as a last resort. In fact, it is safe to say that any technique could kill if enough power is put into it and the technique is targeted at an extremely vulnerable point; such as the heart or throat. Lastly, there are martial arts that fall in between both extremes. One good example would be the Korean art of Tae Kwon Do. It stresses full-contact sparring, but with very strict rules and regulations; such as no punching to the head. It also places great emphasis on physical fitness and a code of honor. The atmosphere in TKD schools is one of strict discipline and respect for each other and for the teacher.

Already, one can see that the martial arts can offer something for everyone. It is not just punching and kicking people nor is it psychotic, violent behavior. There are enough styles and systems in the world today that anyone could find something that fits their interest. Moreover, martial arts are a vehicle for self-improvement. As one famous martial artist put it, "Self-defeat is the greatest of all victories". Training in the martial arts is external only in the beginning and intermediate stages. By the time a practitioner reaches the advanced stage, he/she realizes that all their training has not been directed toward beating up the opponent, but on beating up one's self. It is a tool used to smash through our fears, our limitations, our ego, our anger, and even our poor health.

So why study something that has a history of violence? Well, why not? Millions of people worldwide enjoy the art of fencing. Its techniques developed from life and death swordplay. Yet today, it is viewed as an extremely competitive and graceful art for all ages. The martial arts are no different. While originally the techniques of any style were meant for life-and-death battle, they have evolved today to more of sport and exercise. This is not to say that some styles don't still teach life-and-death methods. However, such systems are taught almost exclusively to law enforcement and military personnel. Very few are selected to actually learn and pass on these tactics.

In the end, martial arts are best viewed as a knife. In the hands of an artist such as a chef or sculptor, it is a tool used to make wonderful things. In the hands of a violent individual, it is a deadly weapon. In the hands of a martial artist, it can be either one. But more often than not, it is a tool. Why? Because a practitioner understands that the martial arts are truly about expressing the human body, just as it is, without uniforms, belts, rituals, or weapons. It is a vehicle through which one can strive for perfection. It is a lifelong learning process without end. It is a method of achieving spiritual, psychological and physical liberation. Martial arts are about life, not death. Martial arts teach one how to survive, how to live, how to go onward in the face of adversity and how to create. Death is destruction. How can the two be the same?

One may ask, "Why not just jog to stay in shape? Is it necessary to hit people in order to relax? Why not try Yoga?" Again, such questions are valid, but one must understand that not everyone likes the same thing. Some people can run on a treadmill and feel great. Others can swim or lift weights. And some want to learn the complexity of the martial arts.

Statistics would show that almost all individuals who perform violent crimes like homicide, rape, abduction, and assault have little to no martial arts training whatsoever. If training in an aggressive and violent martial art is supposed to create dangerous individuals, then why don't statistics support this point?

In closing, I would like to quote a scene from the T.V. series Longstreet. The following takes place when Mike Longstreet begs his instructor, Bruce Lee, to take him back as a student. Lee hesitates at first, knowing Mike's intention is to learn how to fight and nothing more. Mike, however, tries to explain to Lee that his motivation is otherwise:

"Lee, I want you to believe that it is more than learning how to defend myself. There were a few times there when you were teaching me that I felt as if my mind and body really were together. It's strange, but out of a martial art, out of combat, I felt something peaceful. It's as if...well, it's as if knowing Jeet Kune Do were enough and by knowing it, I'd never have to use it."


Blogger Xenotourist said...

Interesting thoughts. Perhaps we are attracted to an art because something within us resonates with something in the art. A person with a violent nature seeking to master it may choose martial arts. I actually didn't think this up JP. You did. ;-)

From your entry THE DARK SIDE:

"In short, the skilled fighter has gained what he has never had: Control. Any way you look at it, true power, or revenge, is all about the ability to control. "

So what are you hiding you animal? Roooar!

9:25 AM  
Blogger Noner said...

Gord, you are indeed a master debater and a cunning linguist! I have to agree with you. Individuals with violent natures will most likely gravitate toward martial arts. However, I do believe everyone has a dark side to them and therefore, the potential for violent behavior. My point is that martial arts can help anyone master and control that dark side.

1:34 PM  

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